It was geat to meet so many old customers in the Show. We have introduced our hot popular items to our customers with new colors combinations. The new style of display also attracts lot of customers attention. We will send our samples and quotation to customers as requested.
In case you miss the show and would like to get quotes or sampel you need, please feel free to e-mail to Jian for action.
在展会上遇到这么多老客户真是太棒了。 我们把热门产品以新的颜色组合介绍我们的客户。 新的展示台也吸引了很多客户的”眼球”。 我们将根据客户我要求将样品和报价发送给他们。
如果您错过了這次展会并希望得到您需要的报价或样品,请随时发送电子邮件给 Ivy 跟进, 多謝!